Ditch “B” Project
In late 2021, the District completed an excavation project along its Ditch “B” detention area to add volume to that pond and to generate soils to raise the District’s levee along the east and south boundaries of the District. The levee raising/rehabilitation was undertaken to provide freeboard heights above the Brazos River Flood levels independent of the Perimeter Levee system levees of LIDs 15 and 19.
Lake “A-2” Project
In late 2021, the District began an excavation project in its Lake “A-2’ and Pond “A-3” in the southern portion of the District to add volume to those facilities and to generate soils to raise the District’s levee along the south boundary of the District. That project is scheduled to be completed in the spring of 2022. The levee raising/rehabilitation was undertaken to provide freeboard heights above the Brazos River Flood levels independent of the Perimeter Levee system levees of LIDs 15 and 19. The added volume in the ponds will provide an enhanced level of protection to that portion of the District under extreme rainfall conditions.
The excavation of the Lake “A-2” did not provide enough soils to raise the entire south levee as originally expected. A third project will be bid later in 2022 to provide enough soils to raise the remaining levee section to the desired height.