Lost Creek Pump Station Project Begins

The Ground Breaking Ceremony for the Lost Creek Pump Station was held August 6, 2024.

This is a joint project with Ft. Bend County LID 19 and MUD 115 and is expected to be completed in July, 2025.

What You Should Know About Hurricanes

From Ready.gov

Risks of Flooding in our Area

The most serious threat to property protected by the FCLID levee comes from weather events that involve heavy local rainfall, possibly in combination with high water events on the Brazos River.

The following weather events can significantly impact our area:

  • Local rainfall that exceeds 12” in 24 hours in our area.
  • Severe Brazos River flooding from upstream dam releases or lower basin rainfall that raises the water level in the Brazos River.
  • Moderate river events where high water limits the gravity
    discharge rate from inside the levee combined with moderate
    to heavy local rainfall that raises water levels inside the levee protected area.

During heavy rain events it is advisable NOT to park vehicles in the street or set out trash bins. Our streets are designed as part of the overall drainage system for the District, and you should expect water to drain through the streets before it drains out of the District.

Hog Fences Installed Near Levee

In the past, the levees near the developing areas around Missouri City and Sugar Land have experienced severe hog damage. Trapping and removing/destroying the hogs proved to be a temporary solution due to the rapid breeding cycle of the hogs and the lack of natural predators in the area.

More recently, FCLID and a number of other levee districts have been treating their levees and ditches with insecticides, mostly to control ants (their beds/burrows can damage the levee surface and grass cover). An added benefit of that treatment is the reduction of grubs on our levees, which then reduces the occurrence of hogs rooting into the grass cover and damaging the surfaces of our levees and ditches. Without a food source, the hogs move on to other areas, unfortunately sometimes residents’ yards and common areas along the streets.

In 2023, FCLID partnered with neighborhoods and First Colony Community Services Association (FCCSA) to place fences near the levee to prevent hogs from entering neighborhoods. Large gates were installed for the sole use of FCLID for equipment access to the levee.  It is hoped this will reduce the hog damage in residential neighborhoods in the District.